Wednesday, January 12, 2005

(Please click on the above image for full (true) sizes)
Blocks shown are actual size of ad purchased.
Ad can include any number of colors, name/company name, logo, address, and phone number, or any combination thereof.
T-shirts will be worn by at least 7 people for approx. 3 hours on 9/16/06 during the American Heart Association Charlotte-Metro Heartwalk 2006. This event will be attended by several thousand people who will see the advertisements. There will also be additional time spent with a large community of local families who have (or had) children with a congenital heart defect. They will also be worn during a photograph/video shoot by the Charlotte Observer on the day of the Heart Walk. The story will be featured in the Charlotte Observer and on the website after the Walk in September.
There is also the possibility of (though not guaranteed) other forms of media coverage (possibly some form of television coverage) for Team Nova. Should any of that happen these shirts would also be worn for that.
Checks for sponsorship/advertisement space on the Team Nova t-shirts should be made out to Erin Monahan, with a note in the memo slot that says "Team Nova Sponsorship." These are not eligible for tax deduction. Tax deductible donations can be made directly to Team Nova via the internet at by making out a check to The American Heart Association and sending them to the AHA with a note to apply them to the Team Nova's donations.) However donations made to the AHA will not be considered 'sponsorship' and are ineligible for space on the t-shirt.
Sponsorship money is being raised so that we can purchase the Team Nova t-shirts for our Team members (at a total cost of $159.45.) Any monies left from sponsorship collection after that will be used to purchase 100 awareness pins (at a cost of $140.00) to be distributed at The Heartwalk, in an effort to raise awareness of the facts about congenital heart defects. Any funds still available after that will be donated to The American Heart Association in Nova's name.
I sincerely hope that you'll feel moved to take this opportunity to advertise your company and support our efforts to save future parents the pain of experiencing what we've endured through the lives and deaths of our children born with CHDs.
posted by Erin @
4:58 PM