Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I need to write poetry, but I refuse to post shit-poetry in order to fulfill a cathartic need. I have loads of it in draft form though :)
Have you guys discovered Blog Lines? I freakin' love it, I go there to "my feeds" and read all of your blogs from one spot. However, I have to admit that I feel a little guilty about reading your blogs without actually visiting them. You should all change your blogger settings to show only the first bit of each post rather than the whole thing.
I finally got some antibiotics for this thing I have. I'm pretty sure it's a sinus infection, and the coughing is caused by the drainage. The doctor gave me an Rx for Z-pack without even testing me for anything, mostly because I all but begged I think, but also because I emphasized that if I'm sick when Donovan's born, I won't be able to visit him in the NICU. I think she didn't want to be the one responsible for me not being able to visit him, you know, just in case. This Z-pack must kick ass though. (Yogurt. Must remember to eat yogurt...) You know how antibiotics usually work, 2 or 3 a day for like 10 days? This stuff - I took 2 pills today, then 1 pill a day for the next four days. That's it. Guess that way she figures I'm done with the full course before he's born. That works for me. Maybe I'll sleep tonight, god I hope I sleep tonight! I had a very nice nap when I got home today. It was good to sleep... sleep is good. I miss it.
My stomach does tricks y'all. It dances and stuff all by itself.
Let's have some fun with math eh?
I'm 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I've gained 22lbs. At the ultrasound they did all their magic measurements and said he weighs 5lbs 13oz right now. But my god! I caught site of my profile in the mirror today. I have never been this big. I'm freakin HUGE! So I decided to measure my "waist" this afternoon. Normally it's 26" - it now measures 39 1/4"!
All these figures add up to my seriously round figure, which resembles something from a funhouse mirror. I'd post a picture, but, well... no. :)
congenital heart defect
posted by Erin @
6:47 PM