Tuesday, February 28, 2006

And these 2 are from after it was closed. He's a tiny bit more swollen, but nothing to really worry about so long as he keeps peeing. Note the difference in bandages... this one is TINY compared to that huge thing they had on him before! Actually, on his chest, it's just medical tape. The bandages on his belly are around his chest tubes and peritinaeal (PT) drain, which might just come out tomorrow! (the PT, not the chest tubes) They also removed the wires that were atached to his heart in case they needed to hook up pace maker, and he's off of a few more meds, or greatly reduced the dosage of them. If nothing changes for the worse, they'll start actual food through an NG (nasogastral) Tube tomorrow. Yup, he'll be eating through his nose. Don't ALL boys, at one point or another, do the milk-up-the-nose trick?
posted by Erin @
3:23 PM