Friday, February 24, 2006

This is the front entrance - a lighted fountain that is really beautiful and my photography skills do it no justice.

so much more swollen today - he's harder to look at today. I don't think you can possibly prepare yourself for how bad a baby can look. The nurses say it's pretty much par for the course, but it's scarey.

I had Scotty take this picture so you got a better idea of all the wires and meds and monitors. See the blue glowy screens on the right side of the picture? Those are medication dispensers - 4 meds in the top one (epinephrine, amiodorone, milidone or something like that, and one more that I KNOW the damn name of and can't think of it right now) and 3 in the bottom one, only I can't even begin to remember all the names of those - it's taken me this long to remember those top ones!) There's another set up just like this right behind my head that you can't see - 3 more meds in it, including the paralyzing agent. OK, above Nova's head is his bear, above the bear's head is ANOTHER medication dispenser. He also gets 2 more medications - viagra once every 4 hours, and one that is given orally.
Also above my head is another medication in a glass bottle, and behind that (you can barely see it) is one of his monitors- there's a total of 3. Plus to the right (out of the picture) is his ventilator, which is a huge machine with its own monitor and network of tubes and things.
And you can also see that there's a picture of Nova hanging up... All the nurses think he's adorable and fat and chunky and cute (they're used to thin sickly looking babies) and they wanted a picture of what he looks like on a normal basis.
posted by Erin @
10:33 PM