Tuesday, February 28, 2006
We just talked to Candy (his nurse) and they've taken out the PT Tube, so apparently the kidneys are looking good! They told us yesterday that they were considering feeding him some today, so we'll see how that goes. Of course, it'll be that formula stuff. You all have NO idea how much I didn't want him to have to go on formula. Silly thing to be upset about under the circumstances, but I am anyway. Silly woman!
We decided to have a cup of coffee and relax for a minute this morning before we rush off. Some lame attempt at "taking care of ourselves" or some such thing. We're both sort of wiped out you know, and we know he's in good hands - I mean, we couldn't ask for better people than Candy or Sharon or Jane - and the doctors up there are so wonderful - but I doubt this will last long lol, we're ready to GO.
posted by Erin @
1:20 PM