Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nova was definitely not in the mood to go out for Valentine's Day dinner last night. That thing on his head is a sticker - a kissy sticker to be exact. As a matter of fact, he's still sleeping it off as we speak! Actually he slept longer last night after we got home than he ever has before - a grand total of 7 hours straight! Woo Hoo! I may get to start sleeping again soon after all!

Terra, when told that we were going out to eat, had this reaction. I think she might be afraid of Golden Corral. I can't otherwise explain this face! If you look closely and see that strange pale lump there beside her... yes, that's her pig. She's had it since she was about 3 months old - she would die without it. It's all worn out (she chewed its tail right off and has his ass looking pretty damn threadbare now) and we bought her another in an attempt to be rid of said pig. Now, we have 2 pigs, one big and nappy, one small and new - and both of them must be tucked in with her when she goes to bed every night. So much for that plan eh?

I got two notable pieces of mail yesterday. One was a "Valen-Swine" card from Erin - absolutely adorable, and of course, with the aforementioned pig-thing we have going on around here, well worth mentioning!

The other, (no picture sorry lol) a letter from the Child Support Enforcement Agency. Apparently my ex-husband has applied for and been approved for Social Security Disability. (I keep wondering if someone finally realized that he's mentally deficient...) Anyway, this disability is apparently the reason that he hasn't paid a damn penny in child support since December '04 - and now that he gets a government check, my oldest 2 kids will now also receive a monthly SS check. No idea how much yet, or if there will be a lump sum due from the time of his application, nor is there any news as to whether they'll be getting any part of the money that he's in arrears for (approx. $16K) What I do know is that they'll be getting more now than what he was paying, and I won't go a year at a time without getting anything.


posted by Erin @ 6:34 PM   0 comments

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Donovan "Nova" LeClair

Monroe, North Carolina
Nova was our second child to be born with congenital heart defects. We lost our daughter at 12 days after open heart surgery in 2001. Nova was born 12/2/05, with Pulmonary Atresia with VSD. He lived 6 weeks after surgery, and passed away on April 6th, 2006. This blog is his story, and the on-going story of how our family is dealing with the loss of our beautiful boy.
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