Thursday, February 16, 2006

So sue me for a day. They aren't doing the surgery on Monday, they're doing it on Tuesday. We have to be there at 5:00 am. He'll be in surgery by 6:30 and it will take somewhere between 10 and 14 hours to do. Afterward, he'll be sedated for at least 4 days, on a ventilator and IV fluids, plus a myriad of medicines. He'll be on the ventilator for something like a week, depending on his ability to breathe on his own. He'll be in the hospital for something like 3 - 4 weeks. We spent the entire day today at the hospital - going over the surgery, doing pre-op bloodwork and testing.
Ever seen an infant get chest X-rays?

Well, I didn't take the camera or I'd have taken pictures of it, but here's a picture from the website of the maker of this contraption that resembles a mideivel torture device. (It's called a Pigg-o-Stat... really silly ass name isn't it?) Nova was not amused with being forcefully held in this postiion - not once, but twice, today. No, not amused at all. Not that he was thrilled with the EKG or the needle in his little pudgy hand either. He didn't give a damn about his little pee-bag though, actually, I think he enjoyed the prolonged state of nekkidness.

Fortunately, the helluvaday he had today means that being home, sans needles and testing apparatus, is a welcome change rather than the boring norm, at least for tonight, and he's pretty damned content, which is always a good thing. So, we decided to take a few pictures. There will most likely be many taken over the next few days. We obviously have to document the last few days before the surgery -

I'll probably take a shitload of him shirtless. You know, before the scar. The problem with that is that he's so damned content right now, and been poked and prodded so much today that I don't have it in me to mess with him to get him naked. Let the boy
be, you know?
congenital heart defect,
birth defects
posted by Erin @
6:37 PM