Wednesday, February 01, 2006
We haven't had a phone in the house for years. Seriously. I mean we had the cell, but no hardwire phone. And the cell phone actually belonged to the company Scott worked for, the same one he just took over. Well - apparently, the ex-owner/ex-boss is moving to Wilmington to be closer to his new job, and since the phone belonged to him, he decided that he's taking it with him. He stopped by today to pick it up.
Now I understand that it's his phone, but what exactly does he want Scott to do about all the customers that have that number as the contact number for the company? So now we have to get a home phone. I don't mind that, but it's going to take 2 weeks to get it installed. Digital phone service arrives in my livingroom on Feb 17th - but what in hell are the customers supposed to do between now and then?
And we can't get a cell phone, I mean, we could get like a Trac Phone, but not a REAL cell phone, because we can't at this point afford the deposit that they want in order to give us one.
I hate being broke, it complicates life so much. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but I truly think it does offer a bit of peace (or at least 'simplicity' sometimes.
So if you want to contact Scott to have your yard done - email him... yeah, like customers are lining up through my blog. Not.
Speaking of money, I did some math on all of Nova's bills thus far. One of them was nearly $65,000, and that only covered the first 2 weeks of life... anyway, we're already at a running total of (and this is incomplete at this point because we haven't gotten the bill from Sanger for the 2nd heart cath) nearly $100,000. The heart surgery alone will more than double that, plus NICU recovery time at something like $3,000 a day.
Looks like I laid the doctors a golden egg huh?
congenital heart defect
posted by Erin @
6:21 PM