Monday, March 20, 2006
Not much Nova news to tell tonight really. He's totally off of the epinephrine and the dopamine, and holding a good blood pressure without them. He's been weaned a bit more from the narcotics, awake more, and still calm. Eating 14ccs per hour (15ccs is 1/2 an ounce.) They took out his catheter today and now just weigh his diapers to calculate urine output. I've heard stories from men who've been catheterized and they say it's very painful. I don't know, I mean, men ARE babies, but seeing that made ME hurt, and I'm glad it's gone.
--Tomorrow promises to be a busy day. First, I get to meet with the ostomy nurse,(remind me to tell you a story about that- just to give you an example of my goofiness) who'll teach me how to care for the colostomy while he has it.
--The cardiologists will have their weekly meeting in the morning, they're back to weighing their options re: the heart cath and/or extubation. I figure they'll go ahead and reschedule the heart cath now that he's recovered some from the colostomy. If they do, I hope they give me a concrete date on when they'll be doing it. If they decide to extubate instead, I hope he's successful off of it this time. I can't bear to watch him struggle to breathe again.
--And the best news is, I'll get to go earlier than usual, because it's supposed to rain so Scott can't work - I KNOW I'm not supposed to be happy that Scott can't work now that HE's the boss, but I am anyway ;)
Now for me to ask a favor of you all...
Mika at The Maeghan and Heidi Heart Foundation (for kids like Nova in cardiovascular recovery - linked in the sidebar) donates blankets and baby socks to the CVRU for them to use for the babies there. She's just brought in a load of about 100 blankets, and was told by the head nurse (or someone up there) that they're out of baby socks. So, I'm asking you to either buy baby socks (even dollar stores carry baby socks!) and send them to me (my address is in the sidebar in the ad for the Lawn Care Company), or click my donate button and donate the change in your pocket so I can go buy baby socks. They'll all go to her and be given to the heart babies at CMC through the Foundation.
Just make sure if you use the donate button to add in the comments that it's for the Maeghan and Heidi Heart Foundation so it doesn't get mixed up with any donations made to the Poetic Acceptance charity.
Love ya's!
posted by Erin @
1:04 AM