Wednesday, March 15, 2006
We were awakened to the phone ringing. Never a good sign. There was "free air" in Nova's abdomen, meaning that there was most likely a perforation in his stomach or colon, which may have been leaking fecal matter into his abdominal cavity, which could cause infections and all sorts of complications. They called to ask for telephone consent to do emergency surgery to find out if there was a perforation, and repair it if necessary.
We gave permission and left for the hospital, we arrived at 9:15. We didn't see him until 12:30.
They did find a perforation (basically a stress induced ulcer) and repaired it, and "washed out" (quite literally) his abdominal cavity. They also performed a colostomy. His intestines now come out through a hole in his stomach, just below the huge incision they made to perform the surgery, and empties into a bag.
They think they caught it early and aren't anticipating any complications, but there is a real possibility here for major complications, systemic (ecoli) infection, sepsis, all sorts of things. Of course, he's on massive antibiotics, and massive amounts of fentanyl and versed again, and they're watching him closely for any signs or symptoms that might indicate any sort of problem.
It could have been much worse, it could still get much worse. We just don't know yet. More waiting.
Obviously, the heart cath is postponed. He'll have the colostomy for months - I don't know how many yet. It isn't permanent, or that's what they say for now. Eventually they'll have to do another surgery to reconnect his large intestine and small intestines so that things work the way they're supposed to again.
posted by Erin @
7:39 PM