Saturday, April 08, 2006
There will be a simple graveside service at 11:00 am on Tuesday morning at Lakeland Memorial in Monroe. McEwen Funeral services are handling the arrangements. We don't know yet who will officiate, we've been trying to contact Arlen Smith from New Covenant in Matthews. Unfortunately, we haven't had any luck there, and will have to start looking for an alternate before time runs out and we find ourselves preacherless. I don't belong to a church, so I don't even know where to begin. Arlen spoke at Alexis' funeral, and I'd hoped to have him do Nova's as well. I suppose we'll see what heppens, but I guess tomorrow, I'll have to start doing something.
The flowers are taken care of. We picked a simple all white spread for the casket. Choosing them was actually one of the hardest things I've had to do so far. There are catalogues of pictures of different arrangements on caskets to show how they look. It's difficult to say out loud, "It's only a 36" casket so we don't need a full sized arrangement..."
We haven't picked a headstone yet, but that can wait a while I suppose. To be honest, I just don't think I'm ready to choose headstones, fonts, styles, shapes, colors. It all seems a little clinical/technical... like I'm building a webpage and picking templates and background colors. No, just not ready to do it today. Maybe Monday.
His obituary is basic, with a picture. This one.

because it's my favorite. I cropped it so he wasn't all naked and hanging out, but he's definitely being "Nova" looking right at you, all strong and sparkly. The Nova we had home, the one we loved so dearly.
It's supposed to be 72 degrees and sunny Tuesday. We couldn't ask for more perfect weather. I'm sure the ceremony will be beautiful, but the truth is, I dread it. I'd almost rather skip it all together, but that isn't fair to him. So it's open to whomever would like to attend. I know my landlord will be there, we saw him today to pay the rent. And of course my family will all be there. Some of my friends, and maybe Scott's friends too, even though they're really more like business associates. Mika is coming. I don't know how she'll do it. Her daughter was the same age when she passed away, it's bound to bring up memories. Scott's family won't make it I'm sure. They're all in New York, and pretty well tied up with Randy, who is arranging his own funeral. Scott's mother just cried and cried that she couldn't come. That poor woman. I can't imagine her life right now.
I don't even know who else might come, I won't be surprised if there are a lot of people there. I still have to call CMC/CVRU and let them know where and when it is. Have I explained how much I hate using the phone? I think I have... and man have I done some serious time on the phone these last couple of days. Most of it with people I don't even know, or barely know. But I've had some really nice conversations too, so I won't complain. Wait, I guess I already did huh? OK, so I
shouldn't complain.
posted by Erin @
8:37 PM