Sunday, April 09, 2006
click to read full sizedMr. Whaley (sp?) at McEwen Funeral Home wrote up the obituary. He was pretty impressed with the fact that so many people have gotten so involved in Nova's life, especially in the online world. (I'm not sure what he meant when he said "internet pay chain" ...) He told us that he's been blessed through his experience with us, and our experiences. All I know is that I'm so impressed with how peronally he has taken our son's arrangements. He's been wonderful.
He called earlier today to tell me that he had Nova ready and that if we'd like to come spend some time with him, we could. We declined. I held him as he died. We said our goodbyes, let him know how proud we were of him and how brave we thought he was. Now I want to remember him as the baby in this picture. I just couldn't go back and see him the way he looked after he died.
posted by Erin @
9:25 PM