Friday, April 14, 2006
Someone that I "met" fairly recently through another website emailed me today. We never really got
well aquainted because shortly after I joined that site, I found out that Nova had the heart defect, and just stopped going anywhere much online. She and I have been emailing back and forth lately, she's such a sweetheart. Today she asked what I thought of having a star named after Alexis and Nova. I never thought of it before, and I really like the idea. Of course, between that conversation, and that gorgeous full moon out there, I found myself staring at the sky tonight.
The big dipper was right above my house, full of nothing, and pouring it out over my roof. A big sticky scoop of darkness that smelled like baby powder and tasted of memories, and for a minute, just a second really, I wondered if he's eating well.
How he loved his bottles...
posted by Erin @
10:46 PM