Thursday, April 13, 2006
New posts are down below, this one is going to float awhile so it gets seenThere are so many posts for and about Nova. Songs, poems, thoughts, prayers... So many that I am struggling to keep up with finding them, let alone reading them or replying to them. I want to post a link to each of them, and I know I'll never be able to find them all again. Technorati says there are 9 links from 8 sites, but that is only a fraction of them.
So if you've posted something about Nova and our story, please please
PLEASE email me the link to it, I'd like to do a sort of scrap book, both an online version, and an offline version, to keep with his things.
Also, for those of you (many) generous souls who have made a donation in Nova's name, (If I haven't contacted you personally, I apologize, things have been so hectic - and there are SO many of you! I've just gotten lost totally as to who I've thanked and who I haven't!) please email me your home address or your paypal info, so that I know how I can repay you. I'm afraid most of the paypal donations came in without any snail-mail addresses, and I don't want to miss anyone who needs me to repay them.
MAIL ME!!!And now, I think I'm going to try to catch up on the email - you're all such wonderful friends, and there is MUCH email to be replied to!
posted by Erin @
10:24 PM