Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I'm so excited it's silly! But Scott just found this story on a local news channel website, and I HAVE to share it. It's a movie, about another baby in CMC named Chloe... we saw Chloe when we were in the hospital. It's pretty short and doesn't tell a lot, but it does show Dr. Watts (he's the first doctor that talks - if you look closely, you can see that he's stuck a smiley face over his face on his badge.
The other doctor is Dr. Bensky, which was Nova's regular cardiologist.
When Nova first went in the hospital, several people contacted the local newspaper about us, urging them to do a story, but none of the reporters were interested in the story. I'm GLAD that TV crews didn't approach me, I'd have been hyperventilating! Good lord.
Anyway, there's Nova's 2 main doctors! You might have to register to watch it, but it's free.
posted by Erin @
6:58 PM