Friday, May 05, 2006
I still get email from some of the nurses in CVRU sometimes. That in itself is awesome, isn't it? I mean, they have new patients, new family members coming in with questions and needs, not to mention their real lives, and still they take time to email me.
They still come here too, to the blog. It seems my daily ramblings through our experience are of some practical use other than having saved my sanity (OK OK so my sanity is actually still in question...) I guess they don't get to see things from the patient's standpoint very often.
Anyway, this post is actually just for me to send a hello, a hug, and a
huge thank you to all the nurses and doctors who come here, for all they did, and continue to do.
I hope this blog helps you understand what a profound impact you have on so many people's lives. Your kindness, consideration, and compassion will never be forgotten.
posted by Erin @
1:30 AM