Saturday, June 24, 2006
You guys remember me talking about Luke? The little boy who was born with HLHS who was in CVRU with Nova? He was such a cutie, and his parents were great.
Well, I had emailed Luke's mom several times, asking how he was and such, but usually didn't get a reply. I had hoped that it was because they were too busy to bother with email much, and not because anything had gone wrong. Well, I just got an email from Luke's mom, and he's doing
great. He's gained 3 pounds since CVRU, he's home and has been coming off of the special formula and going back on breastmilk. I was so thrilled to hear how well he's doing!
Unfortunately, Luke's dad had injured his back and had to have back surgery and now has what they call "foot drop" which means his one leg is numb from the knee down. Luke's mom was nursing
her husband back to health, caring for their other child, and dealing with Luke's OHS and recovery, so when they put him on the formula, she decided to stop pumping, only so many hours and so much energy in a person per day, know what I mean? 6 weeks later, she's trying to get her milk supply back.
I told her I'd be keeping her in my thoughts with that - and with Luke's continued improvement, and her husband's foot/leg numbness... she's dealing with a heck of a lot right now, y'all mind helping her out by adding your thoughts and prayers?
posted by Erin @
10:48 PM