Saturday, June 03, 2006
As you can see below, the financial assistance list is coming along. It's taking longer than I'd hoped, but I'm steadily getting there. So far I've covered
29 39 states and at last count, that included
60 83 different hospitals. I'm having trouble finding anything in Hawaii - I'm not entirely sure that there are any hospitals in Hawaii that perform neonatal/pediatric cardiothoracic surgeries, but I'll keep researching, I'm far from done.
I've discovered that some of these hospitals have websites that are completely user UNfriendly, or offer little or no information. And that many hospitals work through a network, like Carolina's Medical Center does, that includes multiple hospitals. This should simplify things, seeing that many times, the billing/financial assistance offices are the same for several hospitals, but in reality, it complicates things, because it means that I have to do
more research to insure that I'm posting the right links, and haven't somehow gotten lost in their system and taken a wrong turn and ended up in the wrong spot with the wrong information.
I've gotten discouraged a time or two, by the amount of work just one link sometimes requires. But then, I check the stats for the blog and see several visitors who've arrived here by doing web/blog/technorati searches with terms like "Stanford hospital billing" or "Financial Assistance Children's blog" or "Child's Charity" and it makes it worth every phone call and every minute of sorting through web pages.
posted by Erin @
1:47 PM