Thursday, July 13, 2006
I'm making this post to publicly apologize for the size of my mouth and the impetuousness of my brain.
Two people in two days have let me know that things I've said on this blog and my other have been disappointing and hurtful.Apparently, I've posted some comments lately that I did not properly think through and bungled. I've made some dear people feel as though I'm disappointed in them, and that was not my intention, and not at all how I feel.
I have been on the receiving end of such huge doses of love and support, and have absolutely no right to feel disappointed, no
reason to feel disappointed in anyone that I've met since Nova was born.
I admit that I get emotionally involved in things, things I can't control. And when those things don't go as I'd hoped, I am often hurt -
that is my own shortcoming, a fault in my own personality, that I cannot control my feelings and reactions - and should not in any way reflect on anyone else.
I'm generally better at expressing what's on my mind and in my heart, but lately, I've been doing a poor job of it, and for anyone who has been hurt - those of you who have contacted me in particular (but I don't want to mention your names because that would be wrong, so you know who you are...) I am
so sorry for any pain that my words have caused you. Please know that above anything else, I love you, am thankful for you, and feel blessed to have met you and grown to know you.
posted by Erin @
2:12 PM