Sunday, August 27, 2006

I just received another email from a blogger who is near and dear to me.
Billy the Blogging Poet lives just a matter of hours away, and works tirelessly to create a network of poetry bloggers. He's proposed another raffle idea to benefit the American Heart Association via Team Nova. Here's what says:
Howdy Miss Erin,
I was just over at your site ... when your latest post sparked an idea. I can donate 1 copy each of CARROT ON A STICK, COLD DRY BISCUITS, and my children's book, THE ADVENTURES OF ARNIE AND JAKE, Two Little Ants In A Big Ant Army. Signed of course.
CARROT ON A STICK and COLD DRY BISCUITS are at Amazon and Arnie and Jake are at
Arnie and Jake are not currently in print but I've a few remaining copies. The book remains rare and should the fates allow could someday be a collector's item.
You can raffle them off together or seperate (your call) and I'll personalize and mail them to the winner(s) with any inscription they like.
That's $62.23 worth of books, signed by the author, and shipped, postage free. Again, use the donation button to the right, add a note that this is for the book raffle, and for every dollar you donate, your name goes into the pot one time. This will be another to go a bit longer than the rest, I'll run it up to the 10th so that I can post the total to the Donations via the web at the very last minute on the 11th.
Thanks again Billy!
posted by Erin @
9:15 PM