Friday, August 04, 2006
I've got a joiner!Team Nova has a new member!
One of the mothers that I've been in contact with (the one who referred me to the paper actually) about volunteering to run the CHD/Little Hearts tent at the Heart Walk has just joined Team Nova! How awesome is that!? She and her son (a 13 year old CHD survivor) are going to start fundraising in advance of the Walk, and be there at the tent with me!
I'm really hoping for a successful day at the Walk, not just the walking (hey, I can walk 3 miles! I tried it! several times, and survived every time!) but with the tent, and raising awareness, and with getting a good sized group of families that will be interested in joining Little Hearts and maybe even offering to help with that process.
I am so psyched today. I can not possibly use enough (obnoxiously overused) exclamation marks to emphasize how excited I am! (
posted by Erin @
1:47 PM