Monday, September 04, 2006
Well, I'm waiting for some donations that have been sent via snail mail, and a couple of them are of unknown amounts, but it looks like I'm going to hit that $3000 mark after all. I'm excited and so grateful, but I have to be honest - it all seems a bit anticlimactic, and I'm sad to be finished with it for the year. Only 12 more days and it will be done.
I just placed the order for the team t-shirts. I will be an absolute nervous wreck until they arrive. I worry that something will be messed up and I won't have time to return them and have the corrected ones delivered. Call me paranoid, but the truth is, when I ordered my husband's work shirts for his company, they came without the graphic on the back side. I'm terrified that it will happen again, and all the sponsors are on the back! Please send nice warm thoughts to the quality control guys at cafepress that they will make sure that all the shirts come out
right, because there won't be enough time to get them fixed and the sponsors paid for the shirts for the most part, and we cannot possibly wear shirts without them on the back!
The hat day at my daughter's school was this past Friday, that donation should show up on her donation page by mid-week. We have no idea what the total was, and we're all dying to know. She's so excited to see what her personal total is. The fact that her school did such a thing for her has made her self-esteem shoot through the roof, and that's an awesome thing for a skinny little girl with glasses and braces who just started at a new school. (Don't get me wrong - she adorable, and has a tendency to be pretty popular without any help, but I've loved watching the effect of the school's involvement on her.)
The day of the walk is going to start early, be full to the brim, and end late. We have to be there at 7am (it's at least 30 minutes drive to get there) to start filling balloons for the CHD tent. We'll pass them around to the crowd with some CHD literature, for a couple of hours. At 8:45 we go up on stage for the kickoff speech. At 9 we have everyone send up their balloons as simultaneously as possible, and then we all walk 3 miles. We'll be done with the walk by 11. Then we head back to break down the tent. Then we fight the throng of traffic to get back home, grab some lunch, freshen up a bit, then we're off to another fundraiser event that a local family throws every year to raise awareness about Fragile X syndrome. I've just recently met (online only) the woman who organizes it, and I'm really excited to actually 'meet' her and learn just what Fragile X is. At this point, all I really know is that both her children suffer from it. That goes from 4pm till whenever, and it looks to be a big event slap full of stuff for the kids to do, plus free food once we pay to get in. All the money goes to research for Fragile X. It may be the sort of idea I borrow and use to throw a similar bash next summer to raise money for the AHA's 2007 Heart Walk.
Yes, I'm already planning things for next year's walk. I am obsessed ;)
So there's some cleaning up I need to do here around the blog. I'm sure you'll all be happy to see the fundraising stuff disappear. But before it all gets gone, I want to say thank you to all the people that have supported my efforts. Expect pictures from the day of the Walk, and of course, the newspaper story will find its way here when it comes out. But basically, things will go back to "normal" soon, and posts will be more of the type of things I used to post, like poetry and stuff about Nova and other heart kids. I'm not sure exactly what direction to take this blog now, but I promise that, at least for a while, it won't be about fundraising.
Thank you all, again.
posted by Erin @
3:38 PM