Friday, September 22, 2006
So the newspaper story in The Charlotte Observer will be out on October 8th. It will have an internet version, and as soon as it's up, I'll link to it. I'm looking forward to seeing what the truly final product will look like. At first I was so nervous about it, but now, I'm just curious. The anticipation is killing me.
Today I did the interview for the Charlotte Weekly. It will be released on September 29th. The reporter was here and she was pretty great. She told me she thinks I'm an inspiration. That still embarrasses me, but the truth is, I hope I am. I hope that Nova and Alexis, through me, inspire people to find ways to make a change, to raise awareness, and to find the answers all of us are lacking. I hope that before I die, someone can tell me why my kids had severe congenital heart defects, and why they died.
Leesa is still trying to find a way to take the video of me speaking at the Heart Walk and send it to me. I think it's just too big to email, so I suggested youtube or photobucket. I promise to get it up as soon as I can.
I'm still hoping that Lenise Ligon will be able to send me a copy of the WBTV News spot I did with her. All of these things will have a place in Nova's memory book, they are things he did, and belong there.
posted by Erin @
9:51 PM