Friday, October 20, 2006
Nova's birthday - December 2nd
Sagittarius November 23 - December 20"
the Archer" in Latin, called Toxotes in Greek.
The curiosity of Sagittarius is truly insatiable and the mental energy is always alert. Sagittarius is a wonderful teacher and student. Sagittarius loves knowledge, all kinds of people and often sports. Sagittarius is very frank and open with friends and lovers. This is sometimes viewed by others as inconsiderate. Sometimes Sagittarius finds it better not to marry.
Sagittarius says, "I see"
Sagittarius Zodiac StonesEarly Sagittarian (born November 23 - December 5)
Soul stone: any of the
tourmalines. Born under this fire sign, you are action-oriented and very lively. Tourmaline gives off an electrical charge when it is warmed and is the ideal stone to match and propel your innate energy.
Power Stone:
Amber Wear it or carry it with you for short periods of time. Ancients believed that this fossilized resin trapped the sun.
Heart stone:
Chrysocolla This copper-rich crystal contains very intense life vibrancy and is helpful to direct energy in a purposeful manner rather than burn it up (as Sagittarians are prone to do!)
Tammy, whom I only know from a Yahoo grief support group called
Grieving Hearts, but seriously just LOVE, has had an angel pin designed to commemorate
her daughter Zoe. It's a beautiful pin, and has specific symbols that represent things that Zoe loved while she was alive. She emailed us a picture of the pin, and it's so perfectly Zoe. She had it designed by
Rosemary's Angels. I'm considering having Rosemary design pins for us as well. The price is ridiculously reasonable.
I'd want 2, of course, on for Alexis and one for Nova. But I found myself trying to decide what I'd want on Nova's pin. One of those things was his birth stone. I'd never even looked up the December birthstone. In my travels, I found the above info about the different stones. Just scanning the info, I saw "Heart Stone" and clicked to see what it was. I really like that stone, and it's 'meaning' and it's the one I'd choose if I were designing the pin. Actually, I've been drawing it out in my head, and on paper, playing with the different components... I'd definitely want Chrysocolla to be the stone used though... Definitely.
I can't decide what kinds of toys to buy for the CVRU to deliver on his birthday. Any and all suggestions are welcome. I know DVDs for the older kids... cd players with speakers maybe... some children's CDs... but what
toys should I get?
posted by Erin @
8:36 PM