Sunday, November 12, 2006
There is someone whom I know only via the internet that I absolutely adore. He and I have known one another for 6 years or so, and share a lot of interests and a great mutual respect. This person has recent;y shared a secret with me that I've hesitated to share, because I don't want to make anything public that he hasn't made public on his own yet but... without giving too many details I wanted to share this.
This man and his wife are pregnant, and intend, regardless of the baby's gender, to name the baby after Nova.
I am so touched that typing it out makes my chest ache. I think it may very well be the most amazing wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me. I can't even describe how much it means to Scott and I... and Scott has never so much as spoken to this guy.
So, you know who you are, when you read this, please please know that this is something that we will always remember and be so grateful to you for.
posted by Erin @
8:15 PM