Sunday, April 15, 2007

Well, My other one was!
Last year, after we lost Nova to a Congenital Heart Defect, when I started getting involved with the American Heart Association by joining the Heart Walk, I knew I had the freshness of Nova's death to move people. I never imagined
so many people would be
so moved, but I knew that I needed to make a difference in this world in his and Alexis' memory, and that his recent death was going to be a motivating factor, not just for us, but for everyone else as well. But I have to be honest here, I never believed that Team Nova would raise $5000+ dollars like we did!
So this year when we signed up again, a year out from Nova's death, nearly 6 since we lost Alexis... I set my goal high enough to intimidate myself, and convinced myself that the time span was going to hinder our fundraising efforts. I overwhelmed and discouraged myself. Bad Erin!
But in the last 2 or 3 days I have had so many people suddenly come to me with support and encouragment! I've (as you can see with the badge at the top of this post) been nominated for Best Charity Blog, and several of my Blogger friends have
made posts and started raffles in Nova's memory that will benefit Team Nova's awareness and fundraising efforts. They've added
links in their sidebars and
posted about one another's support So I'm thinking it's time I get off my butt and post our donation page link - and let Nova's life continue to make a difference.
So here's that link and if you feel moved to support us in our fight against Congenital Heart Defects, please, donate there, or join the
yarn raffle... and please
vote for my blog, and do it in memory of my babies, Alexis and Nova.

posted by Erin @
1:47 PM