Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I know this is Nova's blog, but we're coming up on what would be Alexis' 6th birthday, and her death date shortly after, and I suppose my focus changes as we go...
I have not been very good at keeping up here at Nova's heart. Rarely a new blog post. I honestly don't know what to say anymore. I don't want to post over and over about the heart walk and seem obnoxious, and I really hate sounding like all I do is grieve...
I hope that all of your little ones are doing well. I think of them often, I make my rounds to read your posts about once a month... but mostly, I feel like I don't belong, like a reminder of what COULD happen... as parents of heart babies, I figure you all think of that more than you should ever have to, without me popping up.
Did I post bout the card from Nova's nurses? It was so beautiful to hear from them, to know they still think of us. I only wish I knew how to tell them just how much it means to us.
posted by Erin @
11:04 PM