Monday, October 15, 2007
Nova's Heart has received an award!

What a wonderful surprise it was to receive the email! Thank you so much Kat for feeling we deserved it, and thanks too, to whoever nominated us!! I'm planning to do a bit of an overhaul on the blog this evening, and The award will most certainly become part of the 'renovative process!'
It's strangley fitting that today is the day we got this award too. I'm sure most of you know that today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, and I've been using a PAIL layout on my (more frequently used)
MySpace Profile. I hope that it's a peaceful day for all of us who've lost a child, regardless of when, or how we lost them.
Now let's see, an update. It's been nearly a month since the Heart Walk was held here in Charlotte. Team Nova didn't do quite as well this year as last, monetarily speaking, but honestly, I believe we were more successful in the awareness department. There were no newspaper stories, and no onstage speech, but there were more people that got involved, joined the team, and were personally changed and made aware of the issues surrounding CHD. And sometimes, at least for a while, I think that's even more important than the money. All the money in the world won't create CHD research projects. Only awareness can prompt that change!
So our totals were:
Team Total Raised $2,875.00, with a total of 13 members. Unfortunately, the Kintera website was (and apparently still is) experiencing some technical difficulties and we know that this total is short by
at least $258. The AHA assures me that they're investigating the problem and that they'll find and apply the "lost" donations.
On the home front, things have been pretty stressful lately. I've started babysitting full time during the day, and working part time at night. I'm having some issues with my 16 year old son and his father/grandfather (who chose not to bother with him or his brother for the last 15 years...)which may prove to be the stressor that sends me right over the edge.
I found out that my father (whom I haven't seen since I was 8) died 2 years ago, and his oldest daughter has suddenly contacted us out of the blue. Not a bad thing, that sister concept, just an adjustment, and a situation that brings up some feelings that I thought I'd laid to rest years ago.
And despite all of the above, I've come to a point in my life where I'm feeling peaceful. That's a strange one because I haven't felt truly at peace since before Alexis died 6 years ago. Contentment is not a feeling to which I am accustomed. lol. But from this sense of contentment, it seems, comes poetry - I have not been able to write poetry since Nova died. I was afraid it went with him. But recently I've been writing quite a bit, and even won a poetry contest that came with a $50 prize!
posted by Erin @
1:20 PM