Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Today marks 5 years since his passing. I don't know what to do with that ... Does it make any difference? I don't know. He's no closer, and no farther away. He's still just gone, still right where he was, and always will be. There's a stillness in my heart, the quiet place of void. No light, no singing, no laughter. Just the stillness of absence. At least it's quiet there now. That's a bit of a relief compared to the screaming, jangling, wailing chaos that filled that space a few years ago. I will never stop missing him, I will never stop loving him, and I will never stop hurting, and I will never stop remembering him. But the (kind of sad) truth is that, though I'll never "get over it" I'm pretty busy "getting on with it."
posted by Erin @
11:54 AM